
In a famous essay, Isaiah Berlin contrasted two intellectual styles: that of the fox, who knows many small things, and the hedge hog, who “knows one big thing”. Stanley Hoffmann was both hedgehog and fox. As a commentator on the messy empirical reality of international relations, Hoffmann was a fox. In his first major work, published in 1960, he declared that “the most general ‘laws’ of international relations are bound to be fairly trivial generalizations… Exclusive emphasis on

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Robert O. Keohane

Robert O. Keohane

Professeur d’affaires publiques et internationales à la Woodrow Wilson School à l’université de Princeton. Est l’auteur de After Hegemony : Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy (1984) et coauteur de Power and Interdependence (avec Joseph S. Nye, Jr., 1977) et de Designing Social Inquiry (avec Gary King et Sidney Verba, 1994). Il a reçu le Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order et le prix Johan Skytte.