As mentor and teacher

At the pinnacle of the intellectual world of France, just across the Seine from the Palace of the Louvre, stands the Institut de France, with its glorious Coupole designed by Le Vau in the 1660s. The Institut now consists of five Academies, of which the best known is the Académie française, founded by cardinal Richelieu, in 1635. The section of the Institut that receives historians, political scientists and economists is called the Académie des sciences morales et politiques. As an American s

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Lois Pattison de Ménil

Lois Pattison de Ménil

Ancienne élève de Sciences Po et de Harvard. Sa thèse de PhD fut publiée sous le titre Who Speaks for Europe ? The Vision of Charles de Gaulle (Londres, Weidenfels and Nicolson, 1977). Présidente et directrice générale du Center for Khmer Studies, un centre de recherches américain au Cambodge.