As mentor

When I was a PhD candidate in history at Harvard University, Stanley Hoffmann taught in a different department, political science. Even so, Stanley had more influence on me than any of my official advisors. He shaped profoundly the way I understood the Vichy regime, and he was essential to the publication in French translation of La France de Vichy in 1973. Stanley’s intellectual guidance made itself felt in numerous ways. There was, first of all, his teaching. Most students at Harvard had

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Robert O. Paxton

Robert O. Paxton

Professeur d’histoire émérite, Columbia University, New York. En dehors de Vichy et les Juifs, a notamment publié La France de Vichy (Seuil, 1973), Le Temps des chemises vertes (Seuil, 1966), L’Armée de Vichy (Tallandier, 2003) et Le Fascisme en action (Seuil, 2004).