As leader

Leadership loomed large in Stanley Hoffmann’s writing on politics, be it about France or international relations, his two major themes of publication. He admired a few great leaders, among them famously Charles de Gaulle. Only they seemed able to resolve the contradictions in society and the world he so brilliantly analyzed but for which he could rarely find solutions. Having watched him for a number of years as the leader of the emerging Center for European Studies at Harvard (CES), of wh

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Peter Gourevitch

Peter Gourevitch

Professeur émérite de sciences politiques à la School of Global Policy and Strategy de l’université de Californie San Diego (UCSD), dont il est aussi le doyen fondateur. Est notamment connu pour Politics in Hard Times : Comparative Responses to International Crises (Cornell, 1986), publié en espagnol, en italien et en chinois.